Recently "Hundred-Thousand-Ten Thousand Top Innovative Chinese Enterprise list 2018" was officially released in Beijing. The “Macro Research Group” formed by the experts from the RENMIN University’s three institutes of Economics ,Statistics and Economic Reform and Development, the Central Financial University‘s Economics institute, and the Chinese Academy’s Economics Institute carried out the full coverage, comprehensive evaluation of the innovative ability of all high-tech enterprises to make the ranking list. CANNY together with the other industry giants like Huawei, Gree and Baidu out from more than 100,000 high-tech enterprises have been selected as "Innovative Chinese Enterprises Top 1000".
The "Hundred-Thousand-Ten Thousand Top Innovative Chinese Enterprise list" provides a full coverage and comprehensive evaluation of the innovation capabilities of all high-tech enterprises in China. It is currently the largest and most pioneering enterprise innovation capability ranking in China.